Osage City, Kansas

Evangelical Lutheran Church in America • God's Work. Our Hands.

Season of Pentacost


Who We Are

What We Believe

Rev. Brenda Ulrich

Our Faith in Action
Ministerial Association
Meals on Wheels
Lutheran World Relief
World Hunger

Adult Classes
Youth Classes
First Communion

Women of the ELCA
Lutheran Youth
Men in Mission

Finance and Giving
Facilities Usage

Contact Us





Adult Classes

Grace offers Adult Sunday School / Bible Study class open to those 16 years old and up. The Holy Bible is studied through guided instruction, discussion and sharing. Titles of recent studies include: “No Experience Necessary,” “A Letter for Today: Romans,” and “Revelation,” all of which are published by Augsburg Fortress Press.

In addition to the weekly Sunday school class, monthly Bible Studies are offered through the Women of the ELCA and the Lutheran Men in Mission.

Youth Classes

Throughout the school year weekly Sunday school is available to all children ages 4-12. The curriculum is age appropriate and presented through traditional instruction, crafts and song. During one week each summer Vacation Bible School is offered. Sunday school classes and VBS are taught by members of the Christian Education Committee and supported by other volunteers from our Congregation. In addition to these structured programs each child is encouraged to attend fellowship activities sponsored by the Education Committee such as Rally Day, Easter Egg Hunt, and the annual Halloween Party.

At least twice a year the children present a special program for our Sunday Worship service. In December they present a musical program made up of Christmas songs. In the summer, following the week of Vacation Bible School, they conduct the service and share with the Congregation what they have learned during VBS.

Our Youth Sunday School Class is open to young adults in 7th through 12th grade. Currently this class is inactive due to renovation/remodeling of the classroom. While formal classes are suspended, the youth are encouraged to participate in our Lutheran Youth Organization activities. All confirmed youth may attend the Adult Sunday School Class as an alternative.

First Communion

Grace offers instruction for youth to participate in Holy Communion. The class is open to all 5th graders and those older unconfirmed youth who have not had instruction. This is a very significant step in the life of a Christian. Preparing for First Communion is part of the overall integration of our youth into full membership in the Church. First Communion instruction is provided in two sessions. During these sessions the children learn the purpose and importance of participating in Holy Communion on a regular basis. Participants also receive instruction to serve at the altar as an acolyte, torchbearer, book bearer and crucifer. The training concludes with the children baking the communion bread for the congregation for this special First Communion Service.


All youth in grades 7 and 8 are invited to attend Catechism Class, a very important step in their spiritual development. It prepares youth to become confirmed members of the church. This milestone is accomplished by successful completion of a two-year Catechism Class. The instruction focuses on the Bible, Church Doctrine, Church History, and Luther’s Small Catechism. Current instructional materials are the Lutheran Handbook II and its accompanying video, both published by Augsburg Fortress Press.

Prior to a child’s enrollment, parents are encouraged to attend a meeting which details the expectations and scheduling of the class. There is no cost for this class and all educational materials are supplied by Grace.

Grace Evangelical Lutheran Church • 200 Holliday • Osage City, Kansas 66523 • 785-528-4785