Osage City, Kansas

Evangelical Lutheran Church in America • God's Work. Our Hands.

Season of Pentacost


Who We Are

What We Believe

Rev. Brenda Ulrich

Our Faith in Action
Ministerial Association
Meals on Wheels
Lutheran World Relief
World Hunger

Adult Classes
Youth Classes
First Communion

Women of the ELCA
Lutheran Youth
Men in Mission

Finance and Giving
Facilities Usage

Contact Us






Our Faith in Action

More pictures from our Church Float in the Osage City Parade July 16.


The serving arms of our congregation are expressed and fulfilled through participation in our congregational committees and in partnership with the world-wide Lutheran Community. Currently we have seven committees which are coordinated and function under the auspices of our Congregation Council, the elected governing institution of our congregation. The Council meets the first Thursday of the month at 7:30 p.m.

Christian Education has oversite of the educational programs of the congreation. Responsibilities include selection of Sunday School curriculum, soliciting and selecting Sunday School staff, promoting Sunday School attendance, and working with the pastor to promote Adult Educaion, First Communion class, Catechism class, and Membership Information classes. The committee meets monthly.

Finance and Stewardship has oversight of the finances of the congregation and seeks to encourage faithful giving of time, talent, and financial support based upon Biblical Principles. Meetings are scheduled as needed.

Landscaping oversees the development and maintenance of the landscaped portions of the church yard. Their responsibilities include the garden and patio areas around the church building, but do not include maintenance of the church lawn. The goal of the landscaping committee is to have beautiful gardens that reflect God’s natural elements in an organized way. All projects and activities depend entirely upon donations of time and money received from members and friends. Meetings are scheduled as needed.

Memorials and Gifts has the responsibility for keeping records of all Active Memorial Accounts donated to the church. Further, this committee works closely with family members to assist them in the selection of an appropriate memorial item. In conjunction with the Congregation Council, they develop and maintain a list of suggested memorial and gift items. Meetings are scheduled as needed.

Outreach and Fellowship coordinates and encourages opportunities for members to become effective witnesses for Jesus, and seeks ways to make the congregation more visible in the community. Some activities led by this committee include creating and updating our Church Directory, creating and publishing an information brochure about Grace, organizing and staffing an information booth at the county fair, and building a float for the annual fair parade. They also organize various fellowship events for the congregation. Yearly they assist with Sunday School Rally Day, host a reception for new Confirmands, and host a reception following the Christmas Sunday School Program. Meetings are scheduled monthly.

Property is responsible for church property upkeep, upgrades, and repairs. This includes the church, Lutheran Fellowhsip Hall, and the Parsonage. The committee meets monthly.

Worship and Music has oversight of our worship life and all that pertains to it - planning not only for Sunday Holy Communion but also our services for Lent and Holy Week. The committee works closely with the choir and organists, and plans special music for services. The committee meets monthly.

Ministerial Association

The Ministerial Association of Osage City is made up of ministers of local congregations that band together to share the witness of Jesus Christ. Grace has been an active participant in this group since its inception.

ECAT Ecumenical Christian Action Team

This community support organization was established in 1986 by two local congregations: Grace Evangelical Lutheran Church and the First United Methodist Church. Today a number of Osage City’s local churches actively support the organization. ECAT provides food, clothing, and household items to families in need. These are provided on a first come basis. The following services are also included in the ministry of ECAT: The WARMTH Fund (utility assistance in the winter), rental assistance, partnering with Harvester’s food organization, and providing “Nursery Kits” for the county health department to supply new mothers with many items needed for early infant care. There is no charge for the assistance offered through ECAT. All available items are donated from members of the community. The day-to-day operation of ECAT is made possible by a staff of dedicated volunteers from our local churches.

ECAT is administered by a Board of Directors. It is located at 306 South Martin St. in Osage City. Contact information: 785-528-8164. Hours of operation: M-W-F from 1:00 - 4:30 pm.

Meals on Wheels

The Meals on Wheels program is a nationwide program dedicated to end senior hunger by delivering nutritious meals to those who are homebound. Our community has been participating in this program for many years. An average of 30 meals are delivered daily. Grace volunteers help deliver the meals one week a month.

Lutheran World Relief

LWR was founded in 1945 to respond to the needs of communities devastated by World War II. Since then, it has evolved from a relief agency to one that works with partners worldwide ro respond to emergencies, seek lasting solutions to rural poverty, and work for peace and justice for all. LWR works with partners in 35 countries to help people grow food, improve health, strengthen communities, end conflict, build livelihoods, and recover from disasters. LWR's latest development is to encourage congregations to participate in the "Fair Trade" program. Grace Lutheran Church supports this ministry not only with financial contributions, but also by providing specialty kits that include helath kits, school kits, quilts, and layettes.

Lutheran World Hunger Appeal

The Lutheran World Hunger program is a comprehensive and sustainable program that uses multiple strategies - relief, development, education, and advocacy - to address the root causes of hunger and poverty. This program responds to Christ’s call to “Go and do likewise” (Luke 10:37). It supports people in the United States and around the world by connecting them to the resources they need to lift themselves out of poverty. Lutheran World Hunger depends solely on individual and congregational donations, which average about $25 million per year. Grace supports this program with free will offerings throughout the year.


Grace Evangelical Lutheran Church • 200 Holliday • Osage City, Kansas 66523 • 785-528-4785